Singing Safely

We want to ensure the safety of all our singers, musicians and families what with the lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Note that all participating singers must be up to date with Covid-19 vaccinations; however, the wearing of masks is now optional. SFCC is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for our singers, staff, guest musicians and families. Singing together requires a higher standard of caution when compared with other activities. We will adjust our vaccination policy as soon as we are sure it is safe to do so.

Welcome and Inclusion

The Directors and Members of the San Francisco City Chorus are committed to making rehearsals, performances, and other chorus activities inclusive and welcoming to singers, audience members, Board members, volunteers and staff of all genders, gender expressions, sexual orientations, ages, races, ethnicities, religions, financial situations, physical abilities and physical appearances. We recognize that this inclusion is a work in progress, which requires us to listen to one another, learn, and work to repair if we stumble in honoring this commitment.

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